In the beginning, there were three friends. Three friends with one dream: to create books that children would love to read and immerse themselves in. Books that would allow them to become the heroes! Books that would let them be a princess, or a zoo keeper, but that would also make them stronger and more inspired once they finished them. Those three friends wanted kids to fall in love with the written word, to show them the freedom and imagination that books can give them. And because these three friends fell so very strongly about this dream they decided to make it come true. They set up a small publishing house called Modry Slon, working with local artists and writers to bring the best personalised stories to children.
From that day in 1998, from a small village in Europe, they brought new heroes into this world. They also discovered that when children were reading stories about them, with their own names, they were more likely to get absorbed into the story and stay focused longer, improving their literacy from a very young age.
They met a lot of new friends on their book adventure, two of them called Petra and Georgie!
Petra and Georgie, both bookworms themselves, liked what their three friends at Modry Slon were doing and how they helped children fall in love with reading. So, they decided to bring these unique personalised stories to children in the UK.
The mission is clear: Let’s help children fall in love with reading.